Thursday, August 13, 2009

A- Z

A - Available?
nope. i am a b u s y women

B - Birthday?
10 september 1986

C - Last cigarette you smoke?
nope..allergic on smoke

D - Drink you last had?
mineral water

E - Easiest person to talk to?
my bestiest iekin. she can accept anything i said.

F - Favorite color?
colorful. tak colorful tak faveret.

G - Gummy bears or gummy worms?
both not

H - Home town?
teluk intan, perak

I- In deep thought?
camne la nk stad clas next week..ak xciap study n cover sume topic, cri tjuk assignment budk2 ni

J- just got out of a relationship?

K- Killed someone?
not yet

L - Lime or lemon?

M- Money or love?
both is important! Semua menda skrg perlukan duit bukan segalanya..

N - Number of siblings?

O - One wish
nak keta Honda satu plis !

P - Person you last commented?
my cumel/omel..hihi

Q - Quiet?

R - Reason you smiled?
happy or satisfied+dpt lucky draw yg bharga 2rat

S - Song you last hear?
Lets dance _lady gaga

T- Time you woke up today? late 2day

U -u happy?
not really..maybe

V- Vegetarian?
nope but not prefer vegetables in my meals

W -Worst habit?
kuat tdo bwh meja opiz. Bebel,garang..yeke?

X - Last X-GF/bf?
shah yg ku cyg

Y - Yogurt flavor?

Z - Zodiac sign?

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